Friday, June 27, 2008

Garden on June 26

And here we are June 26th.

Here's what I'm growing:
Bloody Butcher
Black Cherry
Matt's Wild Cherry
Anna Russian
Big Beef
New Big Dwarf
Kellogg's Breakfast

California Wonder
Improved Espanola

Zucchini hybrid
Bush Blue Lake snap beans,
Cucumber hybrid

The tomato list I put together as well as I could given the late date I discovered that I could have a garden this year. The rest of my list is not as sexy as it might be, but I figured that run of the mill hybrids would be better than nothing at all.

I munched my first 4 inch zucchini yesterday btw. Fruit has set on Bloody Butcher (10 days ago), both cherries, and Big Beef. All the others have flowers and will set fruit soon I hope. Bush Blue Lake's have beanlets and the zucchini is going bonkers. Nothing on the cukes yet but they went in last as an afterthought.

1 comment:

Mackenzi said...

lookin' amazing. i'm not having any luck in my shady little yard, but i still enjoy it all the same!