Saturday, June 28, 2008

I am not pruning anything. Plants are still able to be roped in by my improvised bamboo stake and twine trellis system. We'll see how this works out.

I'm also operating on the assumption that now, with my plants firmly established in their pots, it would be almost impossible to over-water them. With other plants, over-watering becomes a problem when media is decomposed or drainage is bad. I have neither of those problems. I read to wait until it's dry an inch and a half down. My plants looked wilty when I did this.

Espanola improved chile has set fruit. I also munched another 4 inch zucchini this morning. I also ate my first two bush beans of the season. I have the feeling none of these are going to make it into the kitchen.

Each of the large pots got a handful of manure and a tablespoon of tomato-tone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ADK eye'n up NYC

very inspiring!