Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Almost there 7-9-08

Things are well on their way. With the exception of my sad zucchini, the plants are all happy.

Big Beef:

Bloody Butcher: look at all the blossoms. It has a pink one hidden at the bottom.

Druzba: 2.5 feet of solid plant:
Bell Peppers have set fruit:

Long Chile Peppers:

Fire escape herb garden + bush beans:

Last but not least, my fire escape cuke:

The blossom end rot seems has disappeared on the bloody butcher. It has a ton of fruit set, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mornin', it's 7 and I'm wondering about how your plants are doing this a.m. It's been so cool to catch up on your blog. I've been MIA these last two weeks, and it's been good drama and fun reading - fungus, rot, and mildew - oh my! Congrats on your hearty plants :)