Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Watering mishap

My pot of Bell Peppers is doing well. I once picked fresh peppers from a friend's garden and found them to be beautiful plants. I'm glad they're happy on my roof.

I am currently watering heavily about every 2 days. I was recently out of town for 2 full days and half of a third. I figured my plants would be ok. While they all survived, they were definitely too dry by the time I arrived home. Many, many blossoms dropped and these would have led to my first serious harvest. So now I'm interested to watch what the plants do now.

Bloody Butcher has already produced four tasty little toms, and has 20+ on the vine. Big Beef and the cherries are fairly loaded up as well. It won't be long now. I've still been picking a couple each day with blossom end rot, but there are many tomatoes on the vine which seem to have developed just fine.


Anonymous said...

wont help the watering but a great idea.


Matthew said...

very cool

Annie said...

Those peppers look amazing! Nice job! Hey if you do anything with Yahoo groups, you should check out this one for container gardening. I don't know if it would be of use to you, but here is the link